Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Speak Easy Toastmasters Club Press Release 5'th Sept

Whatever your goals in life may be, your success depends on your ability to communicate.
Individuals who can express their ideas so that they are heard, understood, and acted upon, possess one of the primary qualities of leadershop.
To day we have numerous means of developing our confidence and assertiveness through week-end seminars and personal development courses.

By joining Speakeasy Toastmasters Club you will cover the same issues in a sociable ‘fun’ way. In fact you will be embarking on a programme that will multiply your communication and leadership skills.
Over two million people have benefited from participating in Toastmasters. You will gain those same benefits. You will at your own pace learn to overcome the initial nervousness everyone feels when called to speak before an audience. You will learn how to organize and present your ideas logically and convincingly. You will improve your listening skills.

You will develop self confidence that will radiate in every situation involving other people. Club members have a wealth of experience to offer each other. Lots of different areas are covered - Public Relations; Technical Presentations; Speeches by Management. Remember all stages are taken at your own pace- no pressure but plenty of support. In the warm friendly atmosphere of the club, members find that they overcome nerves, gain confidence, and assertiveness. They are able to inspire and motivate their fellow workers and clients.

A Toastmasters Club is not a class room.

It is a work shop in which you will develop communication and leadership skills among a group of friends. There are two parts to the two hour meeting . First the speeches, then a break for a coffee and circulating among members exchanging ideas and building new friendships. We have had a few weddings over the years also !! The second part of the meeting contains the topic session.

This is the fun part - the topic’s master of the night asks members of the audience to speak off the cuff for two minutes on a subject.

This is usually very popular and generates a lot of laughter. Needless to mention GUESTS are NEVER asked to speak, unless they volunteer to do so. Where else could you develop life enhancing; presentation; communication and leadership skills in a friendly outgoing atmosphere?

Only at Speakeasy Toastmasters Club, MALLOW. New season started on Thursday 7th September, at the Hibernian Hotel, at 7.50 p.m. We meet alternate Thursdays. So come along and we will give you a ‘cead mile failte’ when you arrive, and a cup of tea

Do remember the Toastmaster of today was once at the stage you are now. For further details phone our P.R.O. Loretto at 087/4118132

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