Feel the fear and do it anyway!
There is something special about an "Ice Breaker" speech. It takes it's audience on a journey or an adventure. Therein lies the opportunity to "walk a mile in someone else's shoes". Susan Hegarty took her audience on a wonderfully entertaining journey at last week's Speakeasy Toastmasters meeting. "Feel the fear and do it anyway" was the title she borrowed from Susan Jeffers book. She showed no fear, we heard no butterflies fluttering.Instead, we received a fascinating slice of life. When you come from a family of thirteen, it can be difficult to get a word in edgeways. Not so with Susan.
Susan's speech was brimful of evocative images.We watched her dancing in the rain at an Aslam concert - a "Crazy World" indeed.Welaughed at a family game as members try to recite all their siblings names (all twelve of them)at speed! We found her chosen style of running - sunny day running- to be quite an attractive proposition. The Toastmaster of the Evening, Marie Lynes commented that there was an enough material in Susan's speech for another eight speeches. We look forward to hearing them!
Claire O'Connell delivered a reflective speech on "The loser effect". Drawing on the game of Chess for her examples,she spoke of the Pawn as the loser that can become a Queen. Learning from mistakes was the core message of Claire's speech. The ultimate example of this can be seen in the Aviation industry where the information acquired from the "Black Box" is analysed in an effort to prevent future crashes and improve air safety.The result of such scrutiny is reflected in the safety record of Air Travel with one accident for every 2.4 million flights. On a personal level, Claire spoke of how she took on board the lessons of a poor exam performance and turned a negative into a positive. Claire's speech brought to mind the words of Oscar Wilde - "Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes".
Michael Buckley of the Crusaders Club in Bishopstown posed a frightening question - "How are we going to feed them?" The numbers are stark : in 1800
the World's Population stood at 1 Billion, by 2050 it will exceed 10 Billion. With a cultivatable land area of less than 4 percent of the Earth's surface,can we sustain such a population? The answer, according to Michael is a "conditional yes". There is huge potential in Fish Farmin and Food Production increases. But, enormous changes in life style are required. Food waste is at unsustainable levels and the long-term
viability of meat production which depends on large consumption of grain is questionable. As Mahatma Ghandi warned - There is enough resources for man's need but not for man's greed"
Theresa O'Reilly presented a well researched and motivational talk called - "Dreamers".She spoke of the untapped potential we all pocess - sleep! She highlighted the enormous problems of sleep deprivation by posing a stark question - "Would you ask a surgeon, about to perform life saving surgery, about the number of hours he slept last night"? It is quite a staggering reality that drowsiness is the cause of more road traffic accidents than alcohol.
Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were renowned for functioning on a few hours sleep during their time of leadership. Ironically, both succumbed to Alzheimer's Disease in later life. Modern research indicates a connection between lack of sleep and Alzheimer's.The production of Melatonin, essential for sleep is diminished by modern living. Smartphone screens emit "blue light" which tricks the brain to thinking it needs to stay awake. The result is people finding themselves drowning in a sea of insomnia.
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Theresa O'Reilly, Susan Hegarty, Claire O'Connell & Michael Buckley |
A highly productive programme of speeches was greeted by some comprehensive and constructive evaluations. Deirdre Linehan, Brendan Foley, Don McSweeney and Maria Connolly evaluated the speakers with detailed analysis and positive recommendations. The General Evaluator, Marie Fitzpatrick commended everyone who contributed to another outstanding meeting. Awards were presented to Susan Hegarty - Best Speaker and Deirdre Linehan - Best Evaluator.
The real beauty of Speakeasy meetings is that every meeting is different - different speakers, different evaluators, yet the same friendly, helpful atmosphere. If you are interested in witnessing for yourself what happens at our meetings, why not drop in and see.
The next Speakeasy Toastmasters meeting takes place in the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow on Thursday,24th January at 8.00 PM. Guests are always welcome and are never obliged to speak unless they wish to do so.
For more information about Speakeasy, please check out our websitespeakeasytoastmasters.com or on Facebook.Alternatively, please contact Sean Corcoran - 086-6054784.
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