Members of Speakeasy Toastmasters Club and welcome guests were treated to an inspiring meeting last Thursday night. Courage in times of adversity was a recurring theme through many of the contributions on the night.
Ann Nyhan presented a powerful Ice-breaker speech - "Angels in my life". She spoke eloquently of " human Angels"- the people who help us at crucial times in our lives by offering listening ears and good advice.She referred to her father who instilled in her an appreciation of learning and a teacher who encouraged her to become an Irish teacher. She acknowledged the support and advice she received at a time when a significant and traumatic event impacted on her family. She quoted Peig Sayers - " Are scath a cheile, a mhaireann na daoine".(People live in each other's shelter).
Don McSweeney gave a fascinating demonstration on the changing of the Season's.Inspired by the passing of Autumn, "a time of mellow fruitfulness" and armed with a football,a balloon, a globe and a fire iron, Don physically illustrated the Earth's orbit around the Sun. His visual demonstration explained the importance that the 23 degree angle of the Earth's axis has on our hours of daylight throughput the year.One member of the audience remarked - " If only it was demonstrated this clearly when I was in school".
Patricia Buckley gave an uplifting and entertaining speech - "First day in school". She recalled her first day outfit of a canary yellow jumper and ribbons in her hair,held in place by clips.To much amusement,she spoke of her ever protective mother got into an argument with the teacher before the class began! And then, the class commenced with the Irish alphabet and a life long struggle with our national tongue began. But, Patricia stuck to her guns and emerged triumphantly with a good Primary Exam result.
Jillian Harris spoke of life's changing circumstances in her presentation - " Moving house - the sequel". Throughout her childhood and her adult life, the suitcase has been a constant companion. Her father's job as a Bank Manager,including a spell in Mallow in the Seventies, necessitated a lot of upheaval.Her backpack took her to Australia in the eighties and myriad of temporary locations thereafter. But, now it seems Mallow has become her home once again, as her life has turned full circle.
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Jillian Harris, Don McSweeney, Patricia Buckley & Ann Nyhan. |
Toastmasters is associated with speaking. However, it is also a fascinating listening experience and an insight into people's lives and their experiences.Meetings like last week are an enriching experience for the listener, as well as a learning experience for the speakers. The audience's experience was enriched even more by a highly entertaining Topics Session. Under the guidance of Anne O'Donovan, members got to grapple with subjects like childhood memories of Halloween, Ireland's fittest family,your first dance or disco and the Presidential election.
Bobby Buckley regaled us with his response to the topic - "Are you happy with your name?" This subject elicited a huge response on the significance of a name and the changing trends of names.We were fascinated to learn that the name"Verna" comes from the Vernal equinox, March 22nd.
Area Director, Helsa Giles addressed the meeting on the significance of Toastmasters in her life .She spoke of the sense of inclusion she experienced in Speakeasy and the golden rule of contribution - whatever you put it you get out and then some. She commended the Club for it's warm, friendly athmosphere and the growth in new members who have recently joined.
At the meeting's conclusion, awards were presented to Ann Nyhan - Best Speaker; Marie Lynes - Best Evaluator and Don McSweeney - Best Topic.
The next Speakeasy Toastmasters meeting takes place in the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow on Thursday 15th November at 8.00 PM. As always, guests are welcome and are never coerced into speaking unless they wish to do so.
For more information please check out our website or on Facebook.
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