Tuesday, September 01, 2015


  1. Such and such goes and I'm not going if they're there? ..... 
  We can't get on with everyone in life .We can, however, treat people as we ourselves would  like to be treated ,maybe they've  mellowed with age or you can see a new side to someone
I'm mostly in awe of my fellow toastmasters and thoroughly enjoy all the wonderful  speeches.    

2. They're  all old?...    We're a mixed group from all diverse walks of life and it's not age we have in common but an  enjoyment of lively debate ,humorous interchange of ideas and a desire to learn something .   

3.  I'd be bored ,they all waffle on and on ?....    I've got no time for wafflers .I've never gone to Toastmasters and not learn something new.  We have to keep speeches to aims and objectives and evaluators point out the positives but  also helpfully, in an encouraging way, point out unnecessary repetition or going over time.

4.  I'm so shy, I couldn't possibly speak in front of a crowd?....    I've never achieved anything in life that was easy .By doing things that scare you, at least you  know you're alive and before you know it you'll have surprised yourself and that's a great  feeling.  

5.  What would I have to talk about ?....    I believe everyone has a story.You can talk about what you know from your own  experiences, but bear in mind you should never let the truth get in the way of a good story. As  soon as an idea comes, write it down. 

  New season starting on the 10th September ,8.00p.m. sharp .Hibernian Hotel .guests more  than welcome, come along for an enjoyable night

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