Monday, September 22, 2014

Four Is The National Average

Margaret O’Regan as toastmaster, steered us smoothly through a choc –a-block program, ably assisted by Anne O’Donovan as time keeper.
Michael Boyle wrote his ice-breaker speech to please his Kerry evaluator, announcing he that he is a Kerry man in a Cork man's body.

Bill Martin delivered a stirring speech encouraging support for Movember. This vital charity movement supports the fight against men’s cancer. Men can show their support for the charity by growing a moustache for the month of November. He was awarded best speaker for his talk.

Coco Channel was a surprise guest at tonight's meeting with Helsa Giles delivering a speech in character. Coco was a fascinating lady who built a business empire despite coming from a background of utter poverty.

Ronan Condon introduced us to the new road signs that have appeared on our highways. The wavy road symbol has been created to guide tourists along the Wild Atlantic Way. This scenic route takes in our beautiful coastline and includes the Cliffs of Moher and Foynes, which used to be a centre for aviation in the 1930s.

Pat Sexton delivered a very informative speech highlighting the issue of Irlen Syndrome. This syndrome creates many different challenges, including tiring easily while reading , difficulties with depth perception such as accurately judging the depth of the stairs steps, and difficulties with on-coming lights while driving at night. There are 4 centres in Ireland which assess this condition and provide advice for its management.

Mrs Doyle also attended our meeting in the form of Anne Buckley, Topicsmaster. Anne Buckley gave emotive topics such as; “how do you take your tea?” Rona Coghlan likes it handed to her. “Is tea more than just a drink?” Moira certainly thought so, highlighting the cure that tea provides in all situations. Keiran Butler shared how tea saved his life, announcing that; “tea is the nicorette patch for coffee addicts.” Jerry likes it loose- no teabags for him! He scooped best table topics award for his confession. Bridie likes her tea from a china cup, where as our president, drinks his tea from a saucer. David Roche is below the national average of four cups of tea a day, while Mary Buckley debated the possible benefits of herbal tea.

Ray Ryan acted as general evaluator evaluating our five evaluators; Mary Moynihan (best evaluator award), Tony O’Regan, Kieran Butler, Michael Cronin and Angela Sheehan.

Next Speakeasy Toastmasters Club meeting at the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow, at 7.50 p.m. 2nd October. We meet alternate Thursdays. For more information go to or contact Marie 087-9746947

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