Thursday, March 17, 2011

‘Say Cheese’

Speak Easy Toastmasters-‘Say Cheese’

Speak Easy Toastmaster’s meeting on March 10th 2011 was another in which guests and members enjoyed themselves.

Joining President Margaret O’ Regan at the top table was Bridget Breen, Toastmaster who chaired the meeting and Sean Corcoran who was Topicsmaster.

First to the lectern was Marie Fitzpatrick with a speech entitled ‘Sew Sew’.
Marie gave a very interesting demonstration speech on how to use a sewing machine. She looked to the audience for a member to participate in order to show how simple a sewing machine is to use.

Following Marie was Claire O’ Connell with a speech entitled ‘Life without chocolate’. She pointed out the health benefits of chocolate in our lives particularly dark chocolate. Claire concluded her speech by giving comparisons of what life would be like without chocolate eg a cat without a house; Laurel with out Hardy.

Claire was followed by Cait Murray with a speech entitled ‘All abroad’. Cait gave a very interesting speech on why people should take the train. Trains should be used inorder to reduce the carbon footprint, assist in maintaining a link with our heritage as well as for the pleasure involved (including drama, mystery and romance)

Finally it was the turn of Mary Moynihan with a humourous speech entitled ‘Say Cheese’. Mary recounted a family event where numbers were restricted at the event thus making photographs an important element for the wider family circle.
Unfortunately the photographer did not live up to expectations on this occasion.
Mary advised the audience not to be fooled by a tripod.

The topic session for the evening was conducted by Topicsmaster Sean Corcoran. Sean had a huge amount of topics which were varied and various.
Timekeeper Bridie O’ Connell reminded speakers/people contributing to topics when their allocated times were up while grammarian/ah counter Bill Martin gave feedback at the end of the meeting on how the group performed regarding the use of ‘crutch words’ and ‘fillers’ e.g. um’s and ah’s. He encouraged the use of the word ‘innate’ which means ‘inherent’.

Jean Sayers, conducted the General Evaluation Session and conducted the part of the meeting in which speakers received feedback from their assigned evaluators who were Angela Sheehan, Anne Buckley, Joe Hassett and Pat Duggan. The Sergeants at Arms for the meeting were Jerry Mulcahy and Tony O’ Regan.

Speak Easy Toastmasters will hold their next meeting ( The Club International speech and evaluation contests) at the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow, March 24th 2011 at 7:50PM. Non-members are more than welcome to attend and will not be asked to speak. Further details about the Club are available on our website, or why not become a Speak Easy Toastmaster Facebook follower.

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