Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Speak Easy Returns Tonight

Hello there …After a long enjoyable Summer, the mind turns to the big question. What will it be this year? You possibly have covered everything from Conversational Japanese to Set Dancing to Personal Finances and you have the Certificate to prove it.

This September, why not try something different? Join Toastmasters. Did I hear you say, ‘are you mad.’? The answer to that is “no! I am not”. At the last meeting of Toastmasters in May, Certificates were presented to members who attained the status of Competent Toastmaster, and also to those who attained the Advanced Toastmaster status.

These performances were the culmination of years of hard work and a little fun thrown in. The Certificates were not the big issue of the night. What was most important was the assertiveness, confidence and total ease with one’s self that all the speakers had achieved.

Next year it could be you. Come along to our meeting tonight, the 6th September at 7.50 pm at the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow where President, Anne Buckley will be presiding over her first meeting and will be ably assisted by Toastmaster for the evening, Jerry Mulcahy. Michael Cronin is Topicsmaster and watching over the entire meeting is General Evaluator, Mary Buckley

You may come as a guest without any commitment until you get the ‘measure’ of us, and be assured you will not be asked to speak unless you wish to do so during the topics session

What is assertiveness? It is the weapon that makes life easier for every human. Some have a natural gift of assertiveness, others need to learn the art. A great way to do so is by joining our club. We will nurture you and bring you along by the hand. Now while it is not possible to make a gentle soul into Margaret Thatcher, one does learn how to set clearer boundaries for others.

The idea is to feel better about saying ‘no’ or giving your opinion without changing who you are. Here at Speakeasy Toastmasters Club you learn to present clear messages; gain increased confidence, handling difficult situations; In general you will start shaking hand with yourself and saying the odd affirmation. For example ‘yes I handled that appraisal well’ or yes I won that round with my teenager.

So come along tonight to the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow at 7.50pm, and sample the experience that is Speak Easy Toastmasters. You will be delighted that you did.

For further details log on to our continously updated website, www.speakeasytoastmasters.com

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