Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hot Flushes


Speakeasy Toastmasters Club

This week we will explore the best approach to red faces, public gaffes, and other mortifying moments.

In every day life humans are embarrassed anytime they look foolish or incompetent in public. Whatever the source of embarrassment – it can stop you dead in your tracks. A few tips for you -

  • Thorough preparation will safeguard you against embarrassment. If you must introduce the featured guests – write down their names even if you know them well.
  • Before a speech visit the site early and see for yourself if there are any wires to trip on, that a lectern is provided and that nothing else will take you unawares.
  • Another tactic for minor botches is to claim the embarrassing misstep happened to a person “who was not the real me”. You can claim that you were tired or sick or preoccupied when it happened.
  • You can also help others escape pending goofs, if you get someone close to them to point out the opened buttons, zips etc.

So the next time you forget your place in a speech, forget your bosses name while making introductions, or find spinach in your teeth during a major presentation remember to laugh it off;
Claim it wasn’t really you, or pretend it didn’t happen and carry on. Your red face, you will have to put up with – after all you are only human. To quote Mark Twain “mankind is the only animal that blushes, or needs to!

We had a very good meeting last week. Our speakers were both humorous and entertaining. The officers that had responsibility for running the show took their tasks seriously and all in all it was a memorable first meeting of 2007. I feel my mantra for 2006 was encouraging people to come as guests, experience the happenings first hand, and at the same time be assured that you will not be asked to speak, unless you volunteer to do so. We have graduated from the hob to glamorous containers of coffee and tea and the biscuits are top class. For €5 you will have a guaranteed seat, unlike the Dublin train, entertainment, coffee, tea and biscuits. Your money back if you are not satisfied. I am reliably informed that no one has asked for a refund yet! Next meeting is on Thursday 25th January, 2007 at 7.50 sharp. Finishing time is 10.p.m. When we retire to the bar for an extended social chat and a drink. Before you jump to any conclusions – we do have designated drivers. Come to think of it was there a free Coke for designated drivers one time. I never got it. Further information may be had bylogging on to

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