On November 14th we enjoyed a very entertaining and varied programme thanks to our V.P.E, Paul Corcoran. Marie Lynes acted as Toastmaster/ MC for the evening. Helsa Giles opened the presentations with an excerpt from the beautiful nostalgic prose piece by Dylan Thomas ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales.’
Brendan Foley gave us a very graphic account of his experience on the 30th of April 2023 in his speech, ‘The Wall’. That was the day he hit the mystical wall! He was over 9 miles into the Limerick half marathon when, ‘like a wounded gazelle’ he found he could not move. A former non-believer in ‘the wall’ he felt totally depleted. But he paused, gathered himself and finished the course. We were all on that run with him.
In his speech’ Moral Architecture’, Michael Cronin took us on a different journey. He described his visit to Fota House, the ancestral home of the Smith Barry family. He noted the grand decor of the formal rooms in contrast to the simple unadorned rooms in the servants’ wing. He was very impressed with the guide’s attention to detail, including her explanation of the use of mirrors in the main reception room. One could socialise at one end of the room, yet keep an eye on interactions in other parts of it. Michael also admitted to feeling compelled to count the chimney pots!
In ‘How Does Your Garden Grow’ Don McSweeney described his journey from having no gardening experience to becoming a passionate organic vegetable gardener. In spite of aphids and pigeons, he has managed to produce many kinds of vegetables from brussels sprouts to mangetout. He takes pride in the fact that he does not use chemicals or pesticides, but works with Nature instead of harming her. He has acquired some very valuable knowledge, including the recipe for a very foul smelling nettle tea to feed one’s vegetables. He is currently investigating the new concept of ‘no dig gardening’. Don kept us all captivated in spite of intentional disruptions by members. He was also demonstrating his skills in managing a difficult audience. Very well done, Don. You managed it all with your usual grace.
‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ was the title of Trevor O’Sullivan’s inspirational speech. Trevor began by creating a scenario: ‘Imagine, you are in a deep sleep. You wake. A miracle has happened! What does it feel like? What does it look like? What is different? He assured us that the barriers to our success are often obstacles we place there ourselves. It was an energising speech and gave us plenty of food for thought.
Pat Sexton was our mischievous Topicsmaster for the meeting. Members were asked to speak on topics such as: ‘Imagine you are a dictator for a day; state one change that you would make, that could change everything’ , ‘He who can, does, he who cannot, teaches’, G.B. Shaw, do you agree? Members were also asked to speak on topics of a single word or two e.g. ‘Yes’ , ‘Why Not?’ There was no shortage of humour or wit in the replies.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, 28th November in the Hibernian Hotel. We are always happy to welcome guests. There is no pressure to speak. There is a charge of €7 to cover the room hire and refreshments.
Topicsmaster Pat Sexton, Toastmaster Marie Lynes, and President Bobby Buckley
The Speakers
The Evaluators