Friday, August 30, 2024

A New Season at Speakeasy Toastmasters

Speakeasy Toastmasters begins its new season of meetings on Thursday the 5th of September at 8pm in the Hibernian Hotel. Meetings are held on a fortnightly basis.

So our next meeting will be on the 19th of September and so on.

Guests are always most welcome.

So, what can you expect at a Toastmaster meeting?

Meetings last approximately two hours.

We begin the night with three or four prepared speeches by members and

sometimes a short poem. The speeches are usually between 5 and 8 minutes in

length. They can cover a wide variety of subjects reflecting the diversity of interests

of our members. It has been remarked by many that they have never left a meeting

without hearing something interesting or learning something new!

Next comes the impromptu speaking or Topics Session. This can be a very

entertaining part of the meeting. A different member takes on the role of Topics

Master at each meeting. The Topics Master calls on individual members to speak on

particular topics for two minutes and then anyone else can choose to add a

contribution for one minute. Guests will NEVER be called on to speak by the Topics

Master but are always welcome to offer a one minute add on if they wish to.

Halfway through the meeting we have a welcome 15 minute break for tea/coffee,

biscuits and chat. This is a good time to ask any questions you may have about

Toastmasters. Members will be happy to chat and answer them.

final part of the meeting is called the Evaluation Session. Individual members

give a short constructive evaluation of the prepared speeches. Here, speakers

receive great encouragement and advice for future speeches. In this session,

listening skills are developed as much as speaking ones. It requires the evaluators to

listen attentively to the presentations and offer positive suggestions. In observing

others, members can be inspired to try different techniques in their own speeches.

Members can take on different roles each meeting. For example, as Toastmaster,

they may act as MC for one meeting but may choose to give a speech or act as an

evaluator in subsequent meetings.

A favourite Toastmasters’ motto is ‘we learn best in moments of enjoyment’.

Many have gained confidence and communication skills at Toastmasters.

Come as a guest for as long as you like and, if you decide to join as a member, you

can be sure of a warm welcome and plenty of support.

Usually we charge everyone €7 to attend. This covers the room hire and

refreshments but our first meeting is free for guests!

So why not come along on the 5th of September, sit back, observe and enjoy!

For more information see 

Incoming Speakeasy Toastmasters President Bobby Buckley pictured at The Spa House in Mallow.

Marie, Helsa and Claire in good spirits at Toastmasters

Marie, Jill and Trevor are looking forward to a new season at Toastmasters