Helsa Giles who resides in Castletownroche, has been installed as the new President of the Speakeasy Toastmasters Club. Helsa,who hails from Ballinadee in West Cork,will wear the chain of office for the Club's 25th Anniversary year.
Helsa joined Speakeasy Toastmasters in 2013 and has been a very committed member in various officer roles.Helsa found that Toastmasters gave her huge confidence.'If someone had told me five years ago that I would be standing in front of an audience,delivering speeches I wouldn't have believed it!',comments Helsa.
'I also find the friendly atmosphere at meetings to be very encouraging.Toastmasters has given me huge confidence.I recommend it to anyone who wants learn communication skills or is looking for an entertaining night out'.
Helsa,who works in The Cope Foundation,lists some of her hobbies as cooking,mountaineering and hillwalking.She also points out that Speakeasy members come from all walks of life and from all over the North Cork area,from Castletownroche to Kiskeam,from Rathpeacon to Rockchapel.'Guests are always welcome.Who knows?It could be a transformative experience like mine was!'
Speakeasy Toastmasters will hold their first meeting of the new season in The Hibernian Hotel,Mallow on Thursday 7th September at 8pm sharp.Guests are welcome and are never coerced to speak,unless they want to.