Marie Lynes are president warmly welcomed guests and members and handed over
control of the meeting to Toastmaster Brendan Foley who thoughtfully made a
personal comment about all the speakers, which really added to the congenial atmosphere.

was Theresa O’Reilly with a speech entitled “Legalise Assisted Dying for a
Termly Ill Patient” she gave a wonderfully thought provoking speech with well
researched case studies, that really helped illustrate the pro’s and con’s of
this important issue.
Margaret O’Regan was are third speaker to the podium with a speech entitled
“Same Care Different Century”. Insisting she’s just a quintessential Irish
Mammy, but left us in no doubt that she has many strings to her bow. Her
ingenious list of holiday essentials and lively illustrations made for a
magical speech.
Last but not least Liam Flynn who took a fresh look at his “Ice Breaker” with
over 40 speech’s and 8 years idea’s gave us a quality speech delivered with
confidence, style and class. Well done to all the speakers who entertained us
thoroughly one and all.
Mary Moynihan did a great job as Topics Master. Noel O’Conner was General
Evaluator who epitomises what the role requires with insight and understated
charm. Ray Ryan was on the clock as Time Keeper. The past week was a very
exciting for Speakeasy Toastmaster Club because 3 members successfully move
forward from area competition to proudly represent the club in the Humorous
& Table Topics Division Final on Sunday 1st of November, Castletroy Park
Hotel, Limerick .Well done to Marie Lynes who came second and Pat sexton on
first place in the Table Topics Competition. Brendan Foley will be representing
us in the Speech Competition. In conclusion another very enjoyable cordial
evening. We will be meeting again in the Hiberian Hotel on the 5th of November
at 8.00 p.m sharp. Guests are more than welcome and won’t be made speak unless
they want to. For more information go to
or contact Brendan Foley 087 7938641 or Marie Lynes 087 9746974.