Speakeasy Toastmasters held their last meeting of the season on 31st May. We had six very interesting speeches.
Bridget Breen gave the first speech called take action. This was a very motivational speech. Bridget told us that we all have goals and dreams. If we are waiting for things to happen we are only wasting time. She told us don’t be putting things off because of fear of failure. Bridget said that it is never too late to start doing something about our dreams and goals. She then went on to tell us about the hard decision that she and her husband had to make after he lost his job and they have decided to move to Australia. This came as a shock to all of us and we were saddened because we will be losing a good friend and active member

The next speech was by Kieran Butler called listen to me. In this he asked us to know what does G.N.P. measure, he told us money and everything superficial .He asked us to reflect on what has true value. He outlined how society had gained a lot of money but had lost a lot of its values. Kieran said that having enough is important. He then posed the question to us are we going to change things. He asked us to think about this to discover what is really important decide what to do and act.

The next speech was from Bridie O Connell called who am I. This was all about family trees. Bridie asked us to think about every member of the tree and what were they really like not just what was on the records. Bridie outlined that history has a habit of repeating itself such as family disputes. If we try to understand what went on from all sides it might help us not to make the same mistakes again. We should acknowledge what happened understand why, and forgive. We should look at our family trees as being full of nuts. She ended with a nice quote from Mark Twain” I spent a lot of money researching my family tree and double that amount keeping it secret”.

The fourth speech was by Jerry Mulcahy called from quest to president. Jerry asked us the question to know why we came back to toastmasters after we came the first night. He went through all the good aspects of toastmasters and how it helps member’s confidence to give speeches and evaluate. He then went on to outline the various roles in toastmasters and the enjoyment members get from it.

Sean Corcoran then gave a very touching and emotive story about a friend of his that he went to school with. The story was called Jimmy .
The last speech was from Brian McLoughlin called the edge. This was a very humours speech in which he told us of his work as a psychotherapist and what he would do to make people happy.
As this is our last meeting of the season we won’t be meeting again until September .I hope that you will join us then as an enjoyable night out.